§ 61.409
What flight proficiency requirements must I meet to apply for a flight instructor certificate with a sport pilot rating?
You must receive and log ground and flight training from an authorized instructor on the following areas of operation for the aircraft category and class in which you seek flight instructor privileges:
(a) Technical subject areas.
(b) Preflight preparation.
(c) Preflight lesson on a maneuver to be performed in flight.
(d) Preflight procedures.
(e) Airport, seaplane base, and gliderport operations, as applicable.
(f) Takeoffs (or launches), landings, and go-arounds.
(g) Fundamentals of flight.
(h) Performance maneuvers and for gliders, performance speeds.
(i) Ground reference maneuvers (except for gliders and lighter-than-air).
(j) Soaring techniques.
(k) Slow flight (not applicable to lighter-than-air and powered parachutes).
(l) Stalls (not applicable to lighter-than-air, powered parachutes, and gyroplanes).
(m) Spins (applicable to airplanes and gliders).
(n) Emergency operations.
(o) Tumble entry and avoidance techniques (applicable to weight-shift-control aircraft).
(p) Post-flight procedures.