§ 389.16
Board publications.
(a) Charges for publications. Charges have been established by the Superintendent of Documents for subscriptions to certain Board publications. A list of these publications together with information on how they can be ordered is contained in the “List of Publications”, which is available on request from the Board's Publications Services Division, B-22, Washington, D.C., 20428.
(b) Free services. No charge will be made by the Board for notices, decisions, orders, etc., required by law to be served on a party to any proceeding or matter before the Board. No charge will be made for single copies of Board publications individually requested in person or by mail, except where a charge is specifically fixed for a publication at the time of its issuance.
(c) Reciprocal services. Arrangements may be made with the Board's Bureau of International Aviation for furnishing publications to a foreign country or to an international organization on a reciprocal basis.
[OR-178, 46 FR 8445, Jan. 27, 1981]